"use client" import type { Children, Classname, DefaultHTMLStyleProps, ParallelModalSearchParams } from "@/core/types/common"; import { useEffect, useRef, type JSX } from "react"; import { usePathname, useRouter, useSearchParams } from "next/navigation"; import { useAppSelector } from "@/core/utils/hooks/useRedux"; import useHiddenUI from "@/app/(visualization)/project/@modals/(.)customization/_utils/hooks/useHiddenUI"; interface ParallelModalProps extends ParallelModalSearchParams, Children, Classname, DefaultHTMLStyleProps { onClose?: () => void; hideOnQuery?: string[]; id?: string; } /** * The wrapper component of **parallel modal**. * This component handle parallel routes behavior on modal open/close. * It's initial setup, because it needs modifies for this specific project. */ export default function ParallelModalWrapper(props: Readonly): JSX.Element | null { const router = useRouter(); const pathname = usePathname(); const sp = useSearchParams(); const content = useRef(null); const smoothIn = sp.get("smooth") === "true"; const smoothOut = sp.get("close") === "smooth"; const keepState = sp.get("keepState"); const keepParams = sp.get("keepParams"); const { hidden } = useHiddenUI(); useEffect(() => { /** Smooth opening animated effect. Required **smooth** query in URL search params */ if (smoothIn && content.current) { content.current.style.opacity = "100"; content.current.style.transform = "translateX(0px)"; const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(sp); searchParams.delete("smooth"); router.replace(pathname + "?" + searchParams.toString(), { scroll: false }); } // eslint-disable-next-line }, [pathname]); useEffect(() => { /** Smooth closing animated effect. Required **close** query equals to **smooth** in URL search params */ if (smoothOut && content.current) { content.current.style.transform = "translateX(-100px)"; content.current.style.opacity = "0"; /** * The optional property which processing should be kept last parallel modal's route on closing or no. * The `keepParams` property contains passed actual query params on closing modal. Otherwise, you cannot get actual params. * Then returning to the last parallel route could be handled by getting `return_source` redirecting. * The `return` property could contain some additional value required to handle this process OR just boolean as string to detect when its function applied. * */ const keptSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(); if (keepState && keepParams) { keptSearchParams.set("return", keepState); const sourceSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(keepParams); sourceSearchParams.delete("close"); keptSearchParams.set("return_source", `${pathname}?${sourceSearchParams.toString()}`); } // router.replace(props.origin, { scroll: false }) setTimeout(() => router.replace(props.origin + (keepState ? `?${keptSearchParams.toString()}` : ""), { scroll: false }), 200); } // eslint-disable-next-line }, [sp]); if ((pathname === props.origin) || !props.modal || (decodeURIComponent(pathname) !== decodeURIComponent(props.modal))) { if (content.current) { content.current.style.opacity = "0"; content.current.style.transform = "translateX(-100px)"; } return null; } return (
e.stopPropagation()} >
); }