import { RGBVALUE } from './types.cjs'; declare function fallbackRGB(rgb: string[], err?: string): string[]; /** * Get the values of the rgb string * * @param rgbAsString - the rgb color as string split into values * * @return {Array} the values of the rgb string as Array of strings that represent the rgb color */ declare function parseRgb(rgbAsString: string): string[]; /** * This function takes an array of strings and returns and object with the rgb values converted into INT8 (0-255) * * @param {Array} rgb - rgb color as Array of strings * * @return {Object} an object that contains the r, g and b values as INT8 */ declare function getRgbValues(rgb: string[]): RGBVALUE; /** * returns a string representation of the rgb values * * @param {Object} rgb the rgb color object * * @return {string} a string representation of the rgb values */ declare function RGB(rgb: RGBVALUE): string; export { RGB, fallbackRGB, getRgbValues, parseRgb };